Saibh Morrissey Associate

Part-Qualified Patent Attorney, Irish Trade Mark Attorney, Registered European Trade Mark and Design Attorney

Saibh is a part-qualified patent attorney and is currently preparing to sit the last of the European Qualifying Examinations. Prior to joining Definition IP, Saibh worked at other Patent Attorney firms in Dublin.


Saibh has particular expertise in the field of Chemical Sciences and has worked in both pharmaceutical and industrial Chemistry settings, aswell as carrying out postdoctoral research following the completion of her PhD. Before entering the patent profession, Saibh worked in the pharmaceutical industry, in the area of analytical development, and as a research chemist in the area of cyanoacrylate adhesive product development, in multinational pharmaceutical and chemical companies. Saibh also worked as a research engineer for 3M France, as part of the corporate research process lab. Saibh is a named inventor on several patents in the field of ionic liquids, and her research work is also the subject of several scientific publications.  Saibh is also a qualified Irish Trade Mark attorney, and a European Trade Mark and Design attorney.



Saibh obtained her BSc. in Chemistry with French from Dublin City University and was subsequently awarded her PhD in Chemistry also from Dublin City University. Saibh’s PhD research focused on both the synthesis and characterisation of libraries of novel imidazolium ionic liquids, and catalytic hydrogenation reactions. Saibh carried out post-doctoral research in the area of porphyrin synthesis for covalent binding to polymer surfaces at Queen’s University Belfast, and porphyrin synthesis for use in dye sensitised solar cells at University College Dublin.

Saibh Morrissey

Creative Dock, Malahide Marina Village, Malahide, Co. Dublin K36 W540

Telephone +353 (0)1 9697808
Email [email protected]

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